The version 2012 1.1 seems to default to fullscreen and as Im not using the Loader all RH.exe with it I cannot change it. This is great for me as my cab is not widescreen but this enables me to set the game to be of a resoultion that fits 'in' my monitor with bars at the top and bottom which is far better than missing stuff from both sides as I want to see everything rather than limit the playfield. To the right of each set of cells there is a button with asian writing on it click the one next to your new resolution input and it will save your setting and auto adjust the game so you can see the change happen. On the left there are 2 sets of 2 boxes seperated by an 'X' basically use the top set of empy cells and put in your resolution so in one box for example I put 1280 then in the cell the other side of the x I put 700. Hi Giga yep if you are using any game out of your torrent with the Loader all RH.exe when you start a game and press Ctrl and f11 you will get an emulator options menu open with a lot of asian writing dont click any tabs as what you want is on the first page that opens.